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Complete solutions for recruiting and selection and human capital


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At Talenses Executive we focus our consulting work on the top management positions, which are ahead of the great transformations that impact markets and organizations. We develop customized solutions in Human Capital for Top Management, C-Level, Advisory Boards and Boards of Directors in Brazil and Latin America. 


With offices in São Paulo and Rio de Janeiro, operations throughout Brazil, broad experience in the Executive Recruiting market and a consulting practice performed by our team of expert consultants, at Talenses we conduct customized processes from start to finish, thanks to our fully functional work model divided into technical areas of operation. 


Mappit was born with one purpose: to identify talent at the beginning of their careers and connect them to companies in the most diverse market segments. Based on Technology, Connectivity, Diversity, and Inclusion, we strengthen ties, optimize time, and prove that it is possible to build a new experience to meet the expectations of candidates and recruiters in search of new paths. 


At Assigna, we work using the staff loan model, i.e., the allocation of professionals to companies with one-off, temporary, third-party projects or projects that require specific knowledge. Our experts are part of our staff and go through a careful selection and evaluation process to meet our clientschallenges. 


With a technology DNA, LANDtech specializes in connecting companies with our community of IT & digital professionals, promoting career development and the learning of soft and hard skills through partnerships with schools in the digital universe, and offering a meeting point with bilateral exchanges between them. 

I want to hire

Regardless of the profile, hierarchical level, or area of activity of the professional your company is looking for, we can find him or her for you 

Our solutions in Recruiting and Selection

Our solutions in Human Capital

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Brazilian holding company with complete recruitment and selection solutions and human capital for companies of various sectors and that seek consultative and specialized performance, regardless of the hierarchical level. With offices in São Paulo, Campinas and Rio de Janeiro, our structure allows us to serve organizations in the main capitals of Brazil and Latin America.

In the permanent hiring model, we recruit talents in early career, leadership, and Top Management, C-Level, and Board positions. In the staff loan model, we recruit experts and relocate them as third parties or temporary staff to specific projects within the organizations. At Tech Recruiting, we connect companies to our community of digital and technology professionals. As for inclusive recruiting, we have a team specialized in affirmative selection processes for corporate positions.

Av. Eng. Luís Carlos Berrini, 1511 | 9° andar | Brooklin | São Paulo – SP | 04571-011 +55 11 4933-5200
Rua Helios Seelinger, 155 | Barra da Tijuca, Rio de Janeiro, RJ | 22640-040 +55 21 3995-22528 
Rua Gustavo Ambrust, 36 | Nova Campinas | Campinas ,SP | 13092106 |  +55 19 9 7172-0082                                                                        ©2023 – Talenses Group